Philosophy of The Big Society

David Cameron gets to be God!

Thursday, 12 March 2009

My achievement of the day

Walked to local shops and back by myself. It isn't exactly being atop of Kilimanjaro with a red and runny nose but it will do for me. A sign that there is some flame alight inside.

Yesterday was Dad's birthday and (having come out of the semi coma and getting some semblance of a level back) I went round last night with Em, her fella and friend. Dad was pretty infantile and so I was playing nurse maid but, that aside, he enjoyed himself. He ate 2 plates of Chinese food and joined in a bit with convos. He started to slump as we left, which gave me that wrenchy feeling in pit of stomach but considering I am mostly fekked, is rather futile saying anything more on that.

A social services assessment has been organised for Monday. Will deal with that when it comes round also MP's secretary has written back asking me to ring to make an appointment. Will do, just not right now.

Going to have a reflexology session this afternoon, along with friend. A discounted session because therapist is friend of the friend. Will certainly beat taking a sleeping tablet.

Nothing else of relevance to me to add, so heading off.


  1. Walking to the shops and back is a pretty big achievement under the circumstances matey. Good for you. Hope your session goes OK.

    Lola x

  2. Thanks Hun

    Session went so well I fell asleep there for hour and a half.

    Am going to get something to eat and head off to bed now.

    Catch up on your blog soon


  3. Glad you got to the reflexology session and chillaxed.
    Thanks for ringing was realy appreciated and good to know people care. Meant to tell you that that the place my Bro is moving into has a house rabbit called Mandy !!!! Have to see if he can send a piccie of it then will fwd to you.
    Anyway take care
    love Sis xxx

  4. Hi Sis

    Was great to talk with you. A bunny called Mandy. Liking that alot and any piccies will be much appreciated.

    Hope you are getting to chillax some yourself

